Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

-=( Cooks Professional Instant Hot Water Dispenser / Boiling Kettle Machine 2.5 Litre Capacity - 220


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[ln] INSTANT - Quicker boiling, means less waiting for tea. Just press a button and water boiled water will instantly begin to pour from the dispenser tap. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] SAVE ENERGY - No need to boil an entire kettle when all you want is one cup. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] SAFER - Carrying a kettle full of boiled water can often be dangerous for many, so cut out the carrying and have instant hot water in a much safer, more confident manner. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] LARGE CAPACITY - The instant hot water boiler can hold enough to make 8-10 average sized cups of tea or coffee when full. [ln] [ln]
- [ln] DRIP TRAY - Protect your countertop much easier than with a kettle. The instant hot water dispenser comes with a drip tray for spills. [ln] [ln]


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